Foreclosure Activity Behind 2010 Pace, Signs of Stability in Sales

The Register’s Report for July, our monthly newsletter about real estate activity in Plymouth County, is now available.   The July 2011 report is the first month you can compare real estate activity month to month without the artificial influence of first time home buyers tax credits. 

With that overview, the deeds recorded for July 2010, 646, and the deeds recorded in July 2011, 643, look comparable. However, of the 646 deeds recorded in July of 2010, 147 were foreclosure deeds while only 77 out of the 643 deeds recorded in July 2011 were foreclosure deeds . These are the kind of subleties people are looking at in trying to predict the future of our real estate market.

All of our recordings for the month of July were well into the pipeline and headed for closings before the tumltuous  debt ceiling debate and the current catastrophe on Wall Street. the impact these events will have on future activity is presently unknown.