Sales Slow in February, Foreclosures Drop Significantly

February brought a lot of snow and bad weather to Plymouth County. It also brought mixed results in our real estate market. For the first time in a long time, a lower number of sales were recorded as compared to the corresponding month in the previous year. There were 406 deeds recorded in February, 2013–24% lower than the 531 deeds recorded in February, 2012. Whether it was a drop in inventory, as some realtors have been proclaiming for quite some time, or weather-related, will become clearer over the next few months. February has always been a slower period for recording activity.

Mortgage filings remained constant.The number of mortgages recorded in February, 2013 were 2% higher than in February, 2012. Historic low interest rates still prevail.

A very interesting development was the extremely low number of foreclosure deeds recorded. The 22 foreclosure deeds recorded in Febuary, 2013 were 79% lower that in February, 2012. For our complete report go to our February, 2013 Register’s Monthly Report.